Elon Musk political interference UK Germany survey

Majority of Brits and Germans Reject Elon Musk’s Political Interference, Poll Finds

According to a recent YouGov survey, the majority of people in Germany and the UK find Elon Musk’s attempts to sway their national politics intolerable. According to the survey, there is a widespread perception that the US tech tycoon, who owns SpaceX, Tesla, and the social media site X, is disconnected from the political situations and problems that both nations face. The poll’s findings highlight the rising dissatisfaction with Musk’s political clout, as many individuals feel that his acts constitute an unwanted interference.

Known for his candid opinions, Musk has made a number of divisive remarks that have been directed at German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, and their administrations. More than 2,200 people in both nations participated in the study, which revealed a definite trend of dislike of Musk’s meddling and growing political influence on global affairs.

What Can Be Learnt About Political Influence from the Poll Results?

According to the survey, majorities in Germany (54%) and the UK (54%) think it is “not important” for their governments to keep up a close relationship with Musk. Additionally, about half of those surveyed said they believed it would be preferable to ignore the billionaire completely.

Just 13% of respondents in both countries agreed that Musk’s meddling in domestic affairs was appropriate. The remaining 73% in Germany and 68% in the UK disagreed. Similar opinions were expressed by the majority on Musk’s inappropriate meddling in US politics. This highlights the unfavourable perception of Musk’s political power in nations other than the US.

To what extent does Musk comprehend German and British politics?

Musk’s comprehension of the political problems confronting their nations was also criticised by the respondents. In each nation, only roughly 20% of respondents said he understood “a great deal” or “a fair amount” about their political system. Significantly, 63% of respondents claimed that Musk knew “nothing at all” or “not much” about the problems facing their countries.

Shortly before the federal elections in Germany, Musk sparked controversy by asserting that the only party capable of “saving Germany” was the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Following up on his remarks, he authored an opinion piece in which he defended the AfD, claiming that calling the party radical was “clearly false.” Anger in Germany has been stoked by this comment as well as Musk’s repeated attacks on Chancellor Scholz, whom he called “an incompetent fool.” Musk has also called Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the president of Germany, a “anti-democratic tyrant.” These remarks demonstrate how Musk’s political impact extends well beyond the US.

Why Is Musk Offended by His Criticism of the UK Government?

Many people in the UK are similarly enraged by Musk’s remarks. In response to claims of judicial discrimination against far-right rioters, he has called the nation a “tyrannical police state,” called Prime Minister Keir Starmer a “two-tier Keir,” and compared the UK’s new agricultural inheritance tax laws to “going full Stalin.” Musk has even gone so far as to demand that Starmer be imprisoned for his supposed role in a grooming gangs scandal and to recommend that King Charles abolish parliament. He called Starmer “deeply complicit in mass rapes in exchange for votes” and “utterly despicable.”

Less than 20% of respondents in the UK and Germany believed Musk had any significant influence on their country’s politics, despite his divisive comments, according to the poll.

Why Do Far-Right Voters in Germany and the UK Like Musk?

Musk’s popularity among far-right voters remained high, despite the fact that the majority of people in both nations had negative opinions about him. Musk’s low favorability ratings were only slightly higher among supporters of the AfD in Germany and Reform UK, Nigel Farage’s anti-immigration party.

Compared to less than 20% of voters for other major political parties, a startling 70% of AfD voters in Germany said they had positive thoughts about Musk. In a similar vein, 47% of Reform UK voters thought well of the millionaire. Musk, however, recently said that Farage “doesn’t have what it takes” and ought to be replaced as party leader because of a disagreement over the imprisoned far-right agitator Tommy Robinson, suggesting that his excitement for Farage is waning.

Musk was nevertheless more popular with Reform UK supporters than with Conservative Party supporters (26%), as well as with Labour and Liberal Democrats (4%–5%).

To what extent does Musk's political meddling actually matter?

According to the survey, more than 70% of participants in both nations had a bad opinion of Musk. Few, though, thought his political meddling would have any long-term effects. Just 5% of respondents believed that Musk’s activities would have any impact on the political climate in Germany or the UK.

What Are People's Thoughts on Musk's X Management?

Respondents were also asked to rate Musk’s management of X, the social media network he purchased for $44 billion in 2022 and formerly known as Twitter. Just 16% of Britons and 19% of Germans in the UK and Germany thought he had correctly managed the platform. Even fewer, 14%–15%, said they had a positive opinion of the platform as a whole under Musk’s direction.

It is evident that most people in the UK and Germany are still displeased with Musk’s control over X and his impact on their national politics, as he continues to garner headlines for his divisive statements and deeds. Musk’s standing in these nations seems to be at an all-time low, notwithstanding his business and political endeavours.

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